Sunday 23 August 2009

Tick-tick-ticked off the list

Contrary to popular belief, or at least what this blog'll have you believe, I am alive and relatively well. Well, my @fifitxbl Twitter account has been REACTIVATED! Woop!

I have been neglecting updating duties as of late as I have returned to University-home (which technically isn't my home any more) and am as such bumming at Lady KT's shiny new house in Bucks. Whilst here I attempting MISSION: SORT LIFE OUT. Ie - Find a London based abode/as many music related ventures to involve myself in. And progress is beginning. Albeit slowly. Fingers crossed by next week I will be an official resident of London...

Some bits on my list-of-bits-of-things-to-mention from a good couple of months ago:

First off, a couple of selections pinched from my ever musically reliable house-mate and one-time uni DJ partner in crime.

It may not have an official video, however, it's still fun.

And, we have discovered, can be made even more fun when you replace the words with your shopping list. Hours of entertainment in Asda, TRUST me.

Now for some more raucousness:

Clearly, I am a wee bit late with this one, which I partially blame on my 'situation' of late, but N.A.S.A. deserve as much attention as possible.

I *SHALL* return...!


Monday 10 August 2009

The traumas of my life...

I am still located in Cornwall, my time has been spent rather bored, and trying to avoid the masses of tourists who are all descending upon the small towns in and around my house... And evidently not updating this blog...

But, last week, my world was turned upside down...

I'm sure most people are aware of the Twitter downtime last week, yes we were all victims, don't try and pretend you didn't notice. However, during this time, my Twitter account was hacked. Yes, HACKED!
I've never been the victim of hacking before, and it isn't particularly something I want to experience again...
So my account got suspended, and I lost all my followers, and people I was following... Needless to say this has distressed me somewhat over the last few days.
However, I have now given up waiting for a response from the customer service peeps, and started afresh, so I am now @FiSwanson.

I have a massive list of things to comment on in here, but you'll have to hold tight...
